Welcome, oh fellowship of fiends, to Fear is the Fire that Lights the Heart. A humble podcast, where we delve into the darkness that dwells beyond the edges of genre. Each episode we’re going to gather up a roundtable of writers, editors, and publishers to discuss the most beloved of all genres, horror. Today we discuss that violent transformation of story, crawling out of the chrysalis of our skin. Body Horror. Be it vile, violent, transcendent or terrifying, we are here to dig around inside the guts, and pull out the intestines of truth we discover.
Today’s guests are C.B. Blanchard, author of Mycophilia, Sunny Moraine, author of Your Shadow Half Remains, and Nico Bell, author of Static Screams. Our host, as always, is Paul Jessup, author of Glass House.
Mentioned in this episode:
Bound in Flesh
Maeve fly
It Came from the Closet
The Fly
The Thing
Tell Me I’m Worthless
Love is the Plan and the Plan is Death
In My Skin
When Evil Lurks
Diet Riot
The Pill