Welcome, oh fellowship of fiends, to Fear is the Fire that Lights the Heart. A humble podcast, where we delve into the darkness that dwells beyond the edges of genre. Each episode we’re going to gather up a roundtable of writers, editors, and publishers to discuss the most beloved of all genres, horror.

Join our host Paul Jessup each month, as he plumbs the depths of our terrors, and uncovers what makes them tickle our skeletons.
logo by the amazing measure pebbles, theme song spooky spells by joel steudler

Fear is the Fire that Lights the Heart
Fear is the Fire that Lights the Heart
Episode 4: A Skinless Man Counts to Five

Fear is the Fire that Lights the Heart
Fear is the Fire that Lights the Heart
Episode 3: The Chilling Cult of Folk Horror

Fear is the Fire that Lights the Heart
Fear is the Fire that Lights the Heart
Episode 2: The Squishy Transcendence of Body Horror

Fear is the Fire that Lights the Heart
Fear is the Fire that Lights the Heart
Episode 1: May All Your Homes be Haunted

Fear is the Fire that Lights the Heart
Fear is the Fire that Lights the Heart
Coming Soon: Fear is the Fire that Lights the Heart